By joining RAC Cars, you gain access to the combined expertise of the RAC and heycar, providing you with the ultimate platform to showcase your vehicles. With a streamlined, modern car-buying journey and exceptional service, customers recognise this portal as the prime location for accessing the great deals you offer.
With 6.7 million unique monthly visitors, we extend your reach effectively. This includes visitors from our partner sites, buyacar and Honest John, further increasing your exposure.
With so many visitors exclusive to us, your stock gains visibility with fresh audiences.
Our average automotive retailer partner sees a return on investment of at least sixfold.
Advertising your stock on RAC Cars is simple. Get in touch with our team who will take you through the onboarding set up.
We first check that your vehicles match our criteria. Then we’ll set up your stock to be showcased on our website.
Customers will reach out to express interest in your car. We streamline the process by collecting necessary information upfront to facilitate smoother transactions.
Since our launch in 2013, we've empowered our partners to expand their customer reach and increase their vehicle sales. We showcase top-quality cars under 10 years old and with less than 100,000 miles from automotive retail groups nationwide.
Backed by some of the most reputable names in the automotive sector.